LEA Letter for Free School Meal Children
Please find a Hyperlink to the letter that will be sent to all Parents/Carers. It is essential that you complete the registration by following the link.

Latest information on our school
Dear Parents and Carers,
We have now received further guidance from the local authority. The following plans are now being put into place.
From tomorrow (20.03.20) all schools will close to their pupils.
On Monday, all schools will open to provide care / recreation / learning for children of essential workers.
This is the local authority list of essential workers
- health workers – all those employed within the NHS
- blue light / emergency service officers
- social care workers, those working in care homes, providing domiciliary care within the home setting, social workers.
- supermarket delivery drivers
- prison officers and other prison staff
- probation service staff
- school staff
For the time being school transport will continue and this will be monitored on a daily basis. School meals will be provided for the pupils attending our school. Normal school hours will apply.
Further information will follow regarding school meal provision for those entitled to a free school meal.
I appreciate that some of you may have completed the online questionnaire that I sent a link to. I have noted 54 responses. Please contact school tomorrow either by:-
- Email Tairgwaith@npt.school or thomasn332@hwbmail.net
- Phone 01269 823258
To notify us if you may require provision. We need to be aware of numbers rather just wait to know who will be attending. If your child/children have been self isolating this week I would not expect them to be returning to school next week as per Government Guidelines
Many thanks to you all for your support and patience.
Nigel Thomas